Abiding | I | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Makes weapons unbreakable. |
Absorption | II | Rare | Chestplates | Absorbs incoming damage as a shield. |
Aegis | III | Epic | Boots | Gain speed after fall damage. |
Allure | III | Epic | Swords | Your attack pulls mobs towards you. |
Ambit | VII | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Damages nearby mobs in a radius. |
Angelic | V | Epic | Helmets | Heals health when damaged. |
Archer | IV | Epic | Bows | Increases bow damage. |
Armored | IV | Epic | All Armor | Reduces sword damage by 2% per level. |
Arrow Break | VI | Legendary | Axes | Arrows bounce off you. |
Arrow Deflect | IV | Rare | All Armor | Chance to block arrows. |
AquaMan | II | Rare | Helmets | Increases underwater breathing and mining. |
Attacher | I | Legendary | Bows | Teleports enemy in front of you when hit. |
Auto Smelt | II | Rare | Pickaxes | Smelts ores automatically. |
Bait | III | Epic | Fishing Rods | Chance to double fishing drops. |
Barbarian | IV | Epic | Axes | Chance to deal more axe damage. |
Beastslayer | IV | Rare | Swords, Axes | Increases damage to hostile mobs. |
Berserk | V | Epic | Swords, Axes | Chance of strength and mining fatigue. |
Berserker Rage | II | Epic | Leggings | Strength and resistance when low. |
Blast | III | Legendary | Bows | Causes explosions on arrow impact. |
Blazing | III | Epic | Bows | Sets targets on fire. |
Bleed | VI | Legendary | Axes | Makes enemies bleed over time. |
Block | III | Rare | Swords | Chance to block attacks and counter. |
Blunt Force | IV | Rare | Swords, Axes | Chance to strike with great force. |
Bone Crusher | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Increases damage to skeletons. |
Bowmaster | V | Legendary | Bows | Multiplies damage against players wielding swords. |
Carrot Planter | III | Rare | Hoes | Plants carrots in a 3x3 area. |
Chaos | V | Legendary | Swords | Deals weakness and wither effects. |
Chunky | VI | Legendary | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Chance to receive less damage. |
Clearsight | I | Rare | Helmets | Grants night vision in dark areas. |
Cleave | VII | Legendary | Swords | Damages players in a radius. |
Confuse | IV | Rare | Swords | Chance to give nausea effect. |
Convulse | VI | Legendary | Boots | Chance to throw attackers into the air. |
Creeper Armor | III | Epic | All Armor | Immune to explosion damage. |
Critical | III | Rare | Swords | Increases critical hit damage. |
Counterstrike | V | Legendary | Chestplates | Chance to stun attackers. |
Death Punch | V | Rare | Swords, Axes | Increases damage to zombies. |
Decapitation | III | Rare | Swords | Chance to drop opponent's head on death. |
Devour | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Chance to restore food while killing mobs. |
Divine Smite | I | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Smite enemies with lightning. |
Distance | IV | Epic | Swords, Axes | Chance to distance yourself from enemies and gain regeneration. |
Disarm | III | Legendary | Swords | Chance to disarm opponent. |
Disarmor | VIII | Legendary | Swords | Chance to unequip opponent's armor. |
Disintegrate | IV | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Deals extra durability damage to enemy armor. |
Divert | V | Epic | Swords | Chance to poison opponent and gain regeneration. |
Dodge | V | Epic | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Chance to dodge physical attacks; higher chance when sneaking. |
Double Strike | III | Rare | Swords | Chance to strike twice. |
Ender Slayer | V | Rare | Swords, Axes | Increases damage to Endermen and Ender dragons. |
Enderblade | I | Epic | Swords | Teleports behind enemy. |
Endmaster | III | Epic | Swords | Double damage to mobs in the End. |
Energized | III | Epic | Swords, Axes | Grants speed or strength on hit. |
Enrage | III | Epic | Swords, Axes | Bonus damage after being hit. |
Epicness | III | Rare | Swords | Displays particles on attack. |
Eternal Armor | I | Legendary | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Complete immunity to damage. |
Exalted | IV | Epic | Swords | Chance to remove bad potion effects. |
Experience | V | Epic | Pickaxes | Chance to gain more EXP from ores. |
Explosive Demise | III | Legendary | Helmets | Summons creepers when near death. |
Extinguish | III | Rare | Leggings | Chance to extinguish yourself when on fire. |
Famine | IV | Epic | Swords | Gives hunger effect to opponents. |
Featherweight | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Chance to gain haste. |
Fire Hook | III | Epic | Fishing Rods | The hook is on fire. |
Flash | III | Epic | Boots | Increases run speed. |
Forcefield | V | Epic | Swords | Pushes away your opponent. |
Frostbite | V | Legendary | Swords | Freezes enemies on hit. |
Frost Nova | II | Epic | Swords, Axes | Freezes nearby enemies. |
Fuddle | III | Rare | Swords | Disorganizes opponent's hotbar. |
Fumble | III | Epic | Armor | Explodes enemy when hit by their arrows. |
Fury Swipes | III | Epic | Swords, Axes | Increased damage on same enemy. |
Gale Force | III | Epic | Bows | Knocks enemies back with arrows. |
Grappling Hook | I | Legendary | Bows | Pulls player to arrow landing location. |
Gravity Shift | II | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Throws enemy into the air. |
Gravity Well | I | Legendary | Bows | Pulls nearby enemies toward the impact point. |
Greatsword | V | Legendary | Swords | Deals extra damage to bow-wielding enemies. |
Guardian | III | Rare | Leggings | Summons spectral wolves for defense. |
Harvest Bounty | III | Rare | Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Pickaxes | Increases farming yield. |
Hardened | III | Epic | Armor | Chance to recover durability when damaged. |
Haste | II | Rare | Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Pickaxes | Boosts mining and attack speed. |
Hasten | III | Rare | Tools | Gain haste after breaking blocks. |
Heavy | V | Epic | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level. |
Hellfire | V | Legendary | Bows | Arrows turn into fireballs. |
Hook | III | Epic | Fishing Rods | Gain more XP from fishing. |
Ice Aspect | III | Rare | Swords | Slows enemies on hit. |
Ice Walker | III | Epic | Boots | Freezes water and nearby mobs. |
Immolate | III | Rare | Swords | Increases damage to spiders. |
Immolation | III | Epic | Swords | Sets mobs in a radius on fire. |
Immortal | IV | Legendary | Armor | Prevents armor durability loss. |
Impact | IV | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Chance to double damage. |
Immunity | II | Epic | Chestplates | Grants immunity to certain effects. |
Impetus | III | Epic | Elytra | Speed boost with fireworks. |
Implants | III | Rare | Armor | Restore food every few seconds. |
Infernal | III | Epic | Swords, Axes | Explosive fire effect. |
Inflame | III | Epic | Swords | Sets all players in radius on fire. |
Inquisitive | IV | Epic | Swords | Increases EXP drops from mobs. |
Jelly Legs | III | Epic | Boots | Negates fall damage. |
Joker | I | Legendary | Swords | Six possible outcomes: destroy item, balance boost, rare items, etc. |
Kill Aura | V | Legendary | Swords | Kills multiple monsters in radius. |
Last Laugh | I | Legendary | Leggings | Triggers powerful knockback + regeneration when low HP. |
Leech | II | Rare | Swords, Axes | Steals health on hit. |
Levitation | II | Epic | Bows | Arrows cause levitation. |
Lifeline | III | Epic | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Grants extra hearts when low. |
Longbow | IV | Epic | Bows | Greatly increases damage with bows. |
Lucid | III | Rare | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Cures blindness and grants night vision when hit. |
Lucky Coin | I | Epic | Swords | Chance to drop rare items or extra XP when killing mobs. |
Magnet | III | Rare | Swords | Pulls players towards you on attack. |
Magnetism | III | Rare | Boots | Pulls items/XP nearby. |
Marksman | IV | Epic | Crossbows | Increases crossbow damage. |
Midas Touch | I | Legendary | Pickaxes | Transforms stone to gold. |
Missile | V | Legendary | Crossbows | Arrows turn into fireballs. |
Molten | III | Epic | Chestplates | Sets attackers on fire. |
Momentum | V | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Increases attack speed. |
Necromancer | II | Legendary | Swords | Summons undead minions on kills. |
Neutralize | II | Rare | Swords | Disarms the opponent. |
Night Owl | I | Epic | Swords | Deals more damage at night. |
Nightwalker | III | Epic | Swords | Freezes nearby mobs at night. |
No Gravity | III | Legendary | Swords | Allows levitation with right-click. |
Obsidianshield | I | Legendary | Armor | Grants permanent fire resistance. |
Overload | III | Epic | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Unlocks additional hearts. |
Paralyze | IV | Legendary | Swords | Applies slowness and lightning. |
Patch | III | Rare | Armor | Recover durability when damaged by mobs. |
Perish | V | Legendary | Swords | Applies wither effect to enemies. |
Piercing | V | Epic | Swords | Increases damage. |
Planter | III | Rare | Hoes | Plants seeds in a 3x3 area. |
Plummet | III | Rare | Armor | Deals damage to mobs after fall damage. |
Poisoned Hook | III | Rare | Fishing Rods | Poisons the hook. |
Poisoned | IV | Epic | Armor | Poisons the attacker. |
Permafrost | V | Epic | Swords | Slows and bleeds opponents. |
Phase Shift | I | Legendary | Boots | Walk through blocks briefly. |
Phoenix | I | Legendary | Chestplates | Resurrects upon death. |
Poison | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Chance to apply poison effect. |
Poseidon | IV | Epic | Tridents | Increases damage with tridents. |
Pyromancer | III | Epic | Swords, Axes | Chance to ignite target on hit. |
Ragdoll | IV | Epic | Armor | Pushes back enemies when hit. |
Ravenous | IV | Epic | Swords, Axes | Regain hunger while fighting. |
Reaper | IV | Legendary | Swords | Applies wither and blindness effects. |
Rebound | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Gain health back after kills. |
Rebreather | II | Epic | Pickaxes | Regain air while underwater. |
Reflect | III | Rare | Chestplates | Reflects melee damage. |
Reforged | X | Legendary | Tools | Protects durability, making tools last longer. |
Reinforced | IV | Rare | Armor | Reduces incoming damage. |
Restore | IV | Epic | Tools | Chance to repair items on use. |
Replenish | III | Rare | Pickaxes | Restore food while mining. |
Rocket Escape | III | Epic | Boots | Blasts the player into the air at low HP without fall damage. |
Safeguard | II | Epic | Armor | Grants damage resistance when defending. |
Sharpness Hook | I | Rare | Fishing Rods | Deals damage with the hook. |
Smoke Bomb | VIII | Legendary | Armor | Spawns a smoke bomb to distract enemies when near death. |
Snare | IV | Rare | Bows | Slows and fatigues enemies with projectiles. |
Spark | III | Epic | Swords | Ignites opponents. |
Spirits | X | Legendary | Armor | Chance to spawn blazes as guards. |
Strife | III | Epic | Tridents | Increases trident melee damage. |
Strike | III | Legendary | Swords | Strikes lightning at the opponent. |
Striker | III | Epic | Bows | Rains arrows on the opponent. |
Swordsman | V | Epic | Swords | Reduces incoming damage while wielding a sword. |
Scare | V | Rare | Swords, Axes | Chance to replace opponent's helmet with a pumpkin. |
Scanner | III | Epic | Pickaxes | Right-click to detect nearby ores. |
Shadowstep | II | Epic | Boots | Invisibility and speed in darkness. |
Shatterstrike | III | Rare | Swords, Axes | Reduces enemy armor durability. |
Siphon | II | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Steals random beneficial effects. |
Slingshot | III | Epic | Elytra | Boosts flight with right-click. |
Snap | III | Epic | Fishing Rods | Pulls hit entity towards you. |
Solar Power | II | Rare | Helmets | Faster health regen in sunlight. |
Soulbound | I | Legendary | All Items | Prevents item loss on death. |
Special Move | III | Legendary | Swords | Damages all nearby players with right-click. |
Suspend | III | Rare | Swords | Prevents knockback to mobs and players. |
Spring | II | Epic | Boots | Increases jump height. |
Stone Skin | III | Rare | Chestplates | Temporary immunity after hits. |
Undead Ruse | X | Legendary | Boots | Spawns zombie horses to distract opponents. |
Tank | IV | Epic | Armor | Reduces damage from enemy axes. |
Telebow | I | Legendary | Bows | Teleports to the arrow's landing location. |
Telekinetic | I | Rare | Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Pickaxes | Auto-send mined items to inventory. |
Thunderlord | III | Legendary | Swords | Strikes lightning on monsters after consecutive hits. |
Timber | III | Rare | Axes | Breaks entire trees in one hit. |
Time Master | I | Legendary | Swords | Freezes time for enemies. |
Timewarp | I | Legendary | Boots | Teleports back in time upon lethal fall damage. |
Thunderbolt | II | Epic | Bows | Chance to summon lightning on hit. |
Thunderstorm | II | Legendary | Swords, Axes | Calls down lightning on hits. |
Trench | IX | Legendary | Shovels, Pickaxes | Breaks blocks in a 3x3 area. |
Unbreakable | I | Legendary | Tools | Makes tools unbreakable. |
Unholy | V | Legendary | Armor | Weakens and withers attackers. |
Vampiric Blade | III | Epic | Swords | Restores health based on damage dealt. |
Vein Miner | II | Rare | Pickaxes | Breaks connected ores. |
Venomous | III | Epic | Swords | Poisons the target on hit. |
Virus | III | Epic | Bows, Crossbows, Tridents | Chance to apply poison effect. |
Void Step | III | Legendary | Boots | Teleports a short distance in the walking direction. |
Voodoo | VI | Epic | Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots | Chance to apply weakness effect. |
Wings | I | Legendary | Elytra | Allows flying when worn. |
Wings of the Dragon | II | Epic | Elytra | Speed boost with Elytra. |