Custom Enchantments

Enchantment Max Level Rarity Applies To Description
AbidingILegendarySwords, AxesMakes weapons unbreakable.
AbsorptionIIRareChestplatesAbsorbs incoming damage as a shield.
AegisIIIEpicBootsGain speed after fall damage.
AllureIIIEpicSwordsYour attack pulls mobs towards you.
AmbitVIILegendarySwords, AxesDamages nearby mobs in a radius.
AngelicVEpicHelmetsHeals health when damaged.
ArcherIVEpicBowsIncreases bow damage.
ArmoredIVEpicAll ArmorReduces sword damage by 2% per level.
Arrow BreakVILegendaryAxesArrows bounce off you.
Arrow DeflectIVRareAll ArmorChance to block arrows.
AquaManIIRareHelmetsIncreases underwater breathing and mining.
AttacherILegendaryBowsTeleports enemy in front of you when hit.
Auto SmeltIIRarePickaxesSmelts ores automatically.
BaitIIIEpicFishing RodsChance to double fishing drops.
BarbarianIVEpicAxesChance to deal more axe damage.
BeastslayerIVRareSwords, AxesIncreases damage to hostile mobs.
BerserkVEpicSwords, AxesChance of strength and mining fatigue.
Berserker RageIIEpicLeggingsStrength and resistance when low.
BlastIIILegendaryBowsCauses explosions on arrow impact.
BlazingIIIEpicBowsSets targets on fire.
BleedVILegendaryAxesMakes enemies bleed over time.
BlockIIIRareSwordsChance to block attacks and counter.
Blunt ForceIVRareSwords, AxesChance to strike with great force.
Bone CrusherIIIRareSwords, AxesIncreases damage to skeletons.
BowmasterVLegendaryBowsMultiplies damage against players wielding swords.
Carrot PlanterIIIRareHoesPlants carrots in a 3x3 area.
ChaosVLegendarySwordsDeals weakness and wither effects.
ChunkyVILegendaryHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsChance to receive less damage.
ClearsightIRareHelmetsGrants night vision in dark areas.
CleaveVIILegendarySwordsDamages players in a radius.
ConfuseIVRareSwordsChance to give nausea effect.
ConvulseVILegendaryBootsChance to throw attackers into the air.
Creeper ArmorIIIEpicAll ArmorImmune to explosion damage.
CriticalIIIRareSwordsIncreases critical hit damage.
CounterstrikeVLegendaryChestplatesChance to stun attackers.
Death PunchVRareSwords, AxesIncreases damage to zombies.
DecapitationIIIRareSwordsChance to drop opponent's head on death.
DevourIIIRareSwords, AxesChance to restore food while killing mobs.
Divine SmiteILegendarySwords, AxesSmite enemies with lightning.
DistanceIVEpicSwords, AxesChance to distance yourself from enemies and gain regeneration.
DisarmIIILegendarySwordsChance to disarm opponent.
DisarmorVIIILegendarySwordsChance to unequip opponent's armor.
DisintegrateIVLegendarySwords, AxesDeals extra durability damage to enemy armor.
DivertVEpicSwordsChance to poison opponent and gain regeneration.
DodgeVEpicHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsChance to dodge physical attacks; higher chance when sneaking.
Double StrikeIIIRareSwordsChance to strike twice.
Ender SlayerVRareSwords, AxesIncreases damage to Endermen and Ender dragons.
EnderbladeIEpicSwordsTeleports behind enemy.
EndmasterIIIEpicSwordsDouble damage to mobs in the End.
EnergizedIIIEpicSwords, AxesGrants speed or strength on hit.
EnrageIIIEpicSwords, AxesBonus damage after being hit.
EpicnessIIIRareSwordsDisplays particles on attack.
Eternal ArmorILegendaryHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsComplete immunity to damage.
ExaltedIVEpicSwordsChance to remove bad potion effects.
ExperienceVEpicPickaxesChance to gain more EXP from ores.
Explosive DemiseIIILegendaryHelmetsSummons creepers when near death.
ExtinguishIIIRareLeggingsChance to extinguish yourself when on fire.
FamineIVEpicSwordsGives hunger effect to opponents.
FeatherweightIIIRareSwords, AxesChance to gain haste.
Fire HookIIIEpicFishing RodsThe hook is on fire.
FlashIIIEpicBootsIncreases run speed.
ForcefieldVEpicSwordsPushes away your opponent.
FrostbiteVLegendarySwordsFreezes enemies on hit.
Frost NovaIIEpicSwords, AxesFreezes nearby enemies.
FuddleIIIRareSwordsDisorganizes opponent's hotbar.
FumbleIIIEpicArmorExplodes enemy when hit by their arrows.
Fury SwipesIIIEpicSwords, AxesIncreased damage on same enemy.
Gale ForceIIIEpicBowsKnocks enemies back with arrows.
Grappling HookILegendaryBowsPulls player to arrow landing location.
Gravity ShiftIILegendarySwords, AxesThrows enemy into the air.
Gravity WellILegendaryBowsPulls nearby enemies toward the impact point.
GreatswordVLegendarySwordsDeals extra damage to bow-wielding enemies.
GuardianIIIRareLeggingsSummons spectral wolves for defense.
Harvest BountyIIIRareShovels, Hoes, Axes, PickaxesIncreases farming yield.
HardenedIIIEpicArmorChance to recover durability when damaged.
HasteIIRareShovels, Hoes, Axes, PickaxesBoosts mining and attack speed.
HastenIIIRareToolsGain haste after breaking blocks.
HeavyVEpicHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsDecreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level.
HellfireVLegendaryBowsArrows turn into fireballs.
HookIIIEpicFishing RodsGain more XP from fishing.
Ice AspectIIIRareSwordsSlows enemies on hit.
Ice WalkerIIIEpicBootsFreezes water and nearby mobs.
ImmolateIIIRareSwordsIncreases damage to spiders.
ImmolationIIIEpicSwordsSets mobs in a radius on fire.
ImmortalIVLegendaryArmorPrevents armor durability loss.
ImpactIVLegendarySwords, AxesChance to double damage.
ImmunityIIEpicChestplatesGrants immunity to certain effects.
ImpetusIIIEpicElytraSpeed boost with fireworks.
ImplantsIIIRareArmorRestore food every few seconds.
InfernalIIIEpicSwords, AxesExplosive fire effect.
InflameIIIEpicSwordsSets all players in radius on fire.
InquisitiveIVEpicSwordsIncreases EXP drops from mobs.
Jelly LegsIIIEpicBootsNegates fall damage.
JokerILegendarySwordsSix possible outcomes: destroy item, balance boost, rare items, etc.
Kill AuraVLegendarySwordsKills multiple monsters in radius.
Last LaughILegendaryLeggingsTriggers powerful knockback + regeneration when low HP.
LeechIIRareSwords, AxesSteals health on hit.
LevitationIIEpicBowsArrows cause levitation.
LifelineIIIEpicHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsGrants extra hearts when low.
LongbowIVEpicBowsGreatly increases damage with bows.
LucidIIIRareHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsCures blindness and grants night vision when hit.
Lucky CoinIEpicSwordsChance to drop rare items or extra XP when killing mobs.
MagnetIIIRareSwordsPulls players towards you on attack.
MagnetismIIIRareBootsPulls items/XP nearby.
MarksmanIVEpicCrossbowsIncreases crossbow damage.
Midas TouchILegendaryPickaxesTransforms stone to gold.
MissileVLegendaryCrossbowsArrows turn into fireballs.
MoltenIIIEpicChestplatesSets attackers on fire.
MomentumVLegendarySwords, AxesIncreases attack speed.
NecromancerIILegendarySwordsSummons undead minions on kills.
NeutralizeIIRareSwordsDisarms the opponent.
Night OwlIEpicSwordsDeals more damage at night.
NightwalkerIIIEpicSwordsFreezes nearby mobs at night.
No GravityIIILegendarySwordsAllows levitation with right-click.
ObsidianshieldILegendaryArmorGrants permanent fire resistance.
OverloadIIIEpicHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsUnlocks additional hearts.
ParalyzeIVLegendarySwordsApplies slowness and lightning.
PatchIIIRareArmorRecover durability when damaged by mobs.
PerishVLegendarySwordsApplies wither effect to enemies.
PiercingVEpicSwordsIncreases damage.
PlanterIIIRareHoesPlants seeds in a 3x3 area.
PlummetIIIRareArmorDeals damage to mobs after fall damage.
Poisoned HookIIIRareFishing RodsPoisons the hook.
PoisonedIVEpicArmorPoisons the attacker.
PermafrostVEpicSwordsSlows and bleeds opponents.
Phase ShiftILegendaryBootsWalk through blocks briefly.
PhoenixILegendaryChestplatesResurrects upon death.
PoisonIIIRareSwords, AxesChance to apply poison effect.
PoseidonIVEpicTridentsIncreases damage with tridents.
PyromancerIIIEpicSwords, AxesChance to ignite target on hit.
RagdollIVEpicArmorPushes back enemies when hit.
RavenousIVEpicSwords, AxesRegain hunger while fighting.
ReaperIVLegendarySwordsApplies wither and blindness effects.
ReboundIIIRareSwords, AxesGain health back after kills.
RebreatherIIEpicPickaxesRegain air while underwater.
ReflectIIIRareChestplatesReflects melee damage.
ReforgedXLegendaryToolsProtects durability, making tools last longer.
ReinforcedIVRareArmorReduces incoming damage.
RestoreIVEpicToolsChance to repair items on use.
ReplenishIIIRarePickaxesRestore food while mining.
Rocket EscapeIIIEpicBootsBlasts the player into the air at low HP without fall damage.
SafeguardIIEpicArmorGrants damage resistance when defending.
Sharpness HookIRareFishing RodsDeals damage with the hook.
Smoke BombVIIILegendaryArmorSpawns a smoke bomb to distract enemies when near death.
SnareIVRareBowsSlows and fatigues enemies with projectiles.
SparkIIIEpicSwordsIgnites opponents.
SpiritsXLegendaryArmorChance to spawn blazes as guards.
StrifeIIIEpicTridentsIncreases trident melee damage.
StrikeIIILegendarySwordsStrikes lightning at the opponent.
StrikerIIIEpicBowsRains arrows on the opponent.
SwordsmanVEpicSwordsReduces incoming damage while wielding a sword.
ScareVRareSwords, AxesChance to replace opponent's helmet with a pumpkin.
ScannerIIIEpicPickaxesRight-click to detect nearby ores.
ShadowstepIIEpicBootsInvisibility and speed in darkness.
ShatterstrikeIIIRareSwords, AxesReduces enemy armor durability.
SiphonIILegendarySwords, AxesSteals random beneficial effects.
SlingshotIIIEpicElytraBoosts flight with right-click.
SnapIIIEpicFishing RodsPulls hit entity towards you.
Solar PowerIIRareHelmetsFaster health regen in sunlight.
SoulboundILegendaryAll ItemsPrevents item loss on death.
Special MoveIIILegendarySwordsDamages all nearby players with right-click.
SuspendIIIRareSwordsPrevents knockback to mobs and players.
SpringIIEpicBootsIncreases jump height.
Stone SkinIIIRareChestplatesTemporary immunity after hits.
Undead RuseXLegendaryBootsSpawns zombie horses to distract opponents.
TankIVEpicArmorReduces damage from enemy axes.
TelebowILegendaryBowsTeleports to the arrow's landing location.
TelekineticIRareShovels, Hoes, Axes, PickaxesAuto-send mined items to inventory.
ThunderlordIIILegendarySwordsStrikes lightning on monsters after consecutive hits.
TimberIIIRareAxesBreaks entire trees in one hit.
Time MasterILegendarySwordsFreezes time for enemies.
TimewarpILegendaryBootsTeleports back in time upon lethal fall damage.
ThunderboltIIEpicBowsChance to summon lightning on hit.
ThunderstormIILegendarySwords, AxesCalls down lightning on hits.
TrenchIXLegendaryShovels, PickaxesBreaks blocks in a 3x3 area.
UnbreakableILegendaryToolsMakes tools unbreakable.
UnholyVLegendaryArmorWeakens and withers attackers.
Vampiric BladeIIIEpicSwordsRestores health based on damage dealt.
Vein MinerIIRarePickaxesBreaks connected ores.
VenomousIIIEpicSwordsPoisons the target on hit.
VirusIIIEpicBows, Crossbows, TridentsChance to apply poison effect.
Void StepIIILegendaryBootsTeleports a short distance in the walking direction.
VoodooVIEpicHelmets, Chestplates, Leggings, BootsChance to apply weakness effect.
WingsILegendaryElytraAllows flying when worn.
Wings of the DragonIIEpicElytraSpeed boost with Elytra.